Contemporary Journal Extracts
Over the 75 year life of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway there were many articles and references to it in the contemporary press, particularly railway journals. The Society has been reading issues of The Engineer and The Electrical Review and listing all LYR references, almost 2500 so far.
Click on the link below for a pdf list. Each reference has a live link to the original issue in Grace’s Guide. On your first visit to the Guide you will need to register for and purchase credits.
This extraordinary project has involved a team of LYR Society members led by Paul Michael Hughes reading through the Graces Guide digitised version of every issue of The Engineer up to 1930 (and a fewer number of issues of The Electrical Review).
They have found almost 2,500 L&YR references all of which have been listed with a brief description of the subject matter, date and issue number and a live link direct to the appropriate page of Graces Guide.
This is an amazing resource – why not just browse through it at random and see what you can find?