Although the primary function of The L&YR Society is the research, recording and dissemination of historical information regarding the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, many members use this information to make models of L&Y prototypes.
Members who model do so in scales ranging from ‘N’ gauge to 7¼” gauge, but most work in 4mm or 7mm scales and that is where the trade support is directed. There are a huge number of kits and other items available to help you make an accurate model and, of course, the Society has lots of prototype information available through its publications and collections of drawings and photographs.
Our quarterly full colour Magazine has an excellent modelling section with many original articles so there really is no reason not to make a start.
The Lanky was a bustling, hardworking and fascinating railway that provides an amazing variety of modelling prototypes – compact stations squeezed into industrial landscapes, a dramatic main line across the Pennines, electrified commuter lines, dockside warehouses and yards, and even classic rural branchlines such as Holmfirth.
Whatever your interest the L&Y has something to offer so why not have a go!
There are a number of ready to run models of L&Y prototypes including the Hornby 0-4-0 ‘Pug’ saddle tank in 4mm scale.
Of particular note is the Bachmann 2-4-2T, also in 4mm scale. This was the mainstay of L&Y passenger services and over 300 were built.
Look through our list of suppliers in the various scales to see what’s available.
Our heading photo on this page is of the splendid Calderwood layout in 4mm scale built by John Dilnot and Dave Kirby, both Society members.